Why Is Micromanagement So Infectious?

Its truly said that the success/failure of any project depends upon the team with a good leader. However if a team got a boss then whole work environment turns into a virtual war zone, the comfort level of team suffers and ultimately the whole project suffers in quality, delivery and timeline. Here is one article I came across about micromanagement and its worth of reading

When a manager delegates a goal to an employee effectively, she bestows ownership of what we call a “brief,” a set of outcomes subject to deadlines and other constraints. The owner’s job becomes figuring out how to deliver on that brief while operating within the specified constraints, which can range from “stay within this budget” to “follow these policies” to “get my approval on this type of decision.”

The manager, who assumes the role of a sponsor, can change the brief, change the owner, or change the context in which the owner does his work. But if she dictates the tasks to be done or directs how to do the work, she ceases to be a sponsor and becomes a micromanager.

Details : https://hbr.org/2016/08/why-is-micromanagement-so-infectious

Four qualities of a leader

I came across a post by Marillyn Hewson, about four basic qualities of a leader and that truly reflects a leader.  A leader is somebody who comes first for any failure and last for any success.

In my experience, people thrive when they have leaders who are:

  • Decisive: The moments when leadership matters most are in times of uncertainty and change — times when people crave clarity. Leaders don’t need to have all of the answers and no one expects them to. What is needed, however, is the ability to seek the best counsel, make firm decisions on the path forward, and ensure everyone on the team understands their role in a shared vision.

    Leaders must also keep their eyes on the big picture so that when the environment changes, they can adapt and help their teams change course. They have to be ready to make tough decisions and communicate them clearly to the entire team.

  • Trustworthy: Leaders build a credible reputation and earn the trust of their teams through their everyday actions — by setting high standards, showing energy and enthusiasm, and committing to the development of their people.
    Building trust involves more than just talking about core values — you have to livethose values by demonstrating them in every action you take. As leaders, the example we set for our employees shapes the culture of our teams. When you demonstrate honesty and integrity in your actions, your team members will be compelled to do the right thing, even when you aren’t in the room.
  • Compassionate: Being a compassionate leader involves more than just treating people as you would like to be treated. It’s about treating people as they like to be treated. And compassion isn’t just for tough times — it’s for all times. It can be as simple as having a face-to-face meeting with your team, rather than sending an email. It’s about personally thanking employees for their hard work, recognizing them by name, and explaining why you’re so grateful for their contributions.

    It’s also about being responsive. I make it a priority to read and respond to all correspondence from employees. It ensures I understand what’s on their minds, shows that I genuinely care, and it helps to identify emerging issues in my organization.

  • Innovative: Innovative leaders have the ability to think beyond the status quo and inspire their team members to do the same. Leading a culture of innovation requires courage. You need to be able to step out of your comfort zone and take measured risk. Innovative leaders learn from their mistakes and take every opportunity to get better. They reward creativity and effort as much as success, and build an environment where everyone feels comfortable bringing their best ideas forward.

Source: LinkedIn

9 Types Of People Who Never Succeed At Work

Work ethics

Experience and knowledge are rapidly losing their relevance to success in the workplace. Harvard economist David Deming studied workplace tasks from 1980 to the present day and found that those that emphasize social skills grew by a whopping 24%, while tasks requiring technical know-how and intelligence experienced little growth. Deming also found that salaries increased the most for jobs that place extra emphasis on social skills.

With the increasing emphasis on social skills, those who lack them stand out like a zebra in a field of horses. We all know the types: the person who won’t stop talking when you’re trying to meet a deadline, the one who blatantly takes credit for your ideas or the one who callously leaves you to pull an all-nighter to fix their mistake.

“Failure isn’t fatal, but failure to change might be” — John Wooden

He is the list of characters that will never make you success in work https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/279913

Source : Enterpreneur