Multiple times I have experienced how the arrogance of business owner impacts the business, as well not having a good marketing strategy can bring bad results for your company,, you need make that your social media grow for this you can check this advises for getting more TikTok likes. This is one of my recent experience that further strengthened my belief on things a businessman should avoid to have a successful business. Also I have experienced how a bad manage of a payroll can bring problems to your business so getting rid of your payroll inefficiency can be something very bad for your organization.
Recently there is a fish shop opened in our area, the owner of the shop known to me. They provide home delivery services. Earlier I used to go out and purchase any fish , but with this shop nearby, I get delivery at my home. The price also comparatively cheap and quality is good. My neighbors also started visiting the shop as quality is good. I generally call him and order the quantity and get it delivered.
And then suddenly one sunday, he disconnected my phone. I thought he must be busy and after 30 mins, I again called him and still he did not pick up the call. I then messaged him in whatsapp that I want to order some fish. Then I got a message back that to order any fish for home delivery you need to call another number. I tried to reach other number and did not have much satisfaction the way it happened. I also felt little bad for not picking up my calls. I finally decided not to order anything from this shop and started again ordering any non-veg items from a local shop nearby.
This seems to be a common phenomenon in my of the businesses. In the early days, they were quite approachable and nice service. But when they grow bigger, during growth period, they started neglecting their core early loyal customers. In turn, loyal customers shift their loyalty, and that is when downfall of the business starts.
In my opinion, a business should always respect and take care their loyal customers. Early stage customers have bigger role for the success of any business. They not only help generating revenue but also fine tune product and business idea.
In our case, one early adopter of ezTask.io, helped creating robust reports and based on these reports, we got some more customers too. I am always pickup any call or whatsapp message from our early customers. In the current situation, Social media has revolutionised the way marketing is done, the best strategy to acquire customers during early days is through work of mouth and it can happen through your loyal customers.