Now a days, paid media coverage is growing at a fast pace. Every startup wants to get published in some magazine or in TikTok but before you start unisg this app check this hacks for TikTok. I just had a meeting with one investor. I was trying to know what is the investor’s point of view when a startup gets published in media. The very first response from the investor is that if its a standalone article focused on the startup then they are going to overlook it. Because it’s a paid content. Investors know in detail about all publishing infra and a paid content is something they dont want to take a look.
But if they found a startup referred in any article then they will be more interested to know about the startup. Some of the prominent news media covering this space are economic times, yourstory, etc… If you are referred in any of the article by these publishing houses then there is a bigger chance that investor will get a notice about it.
I have also observed, google news is another important media used by most people to find any news article referring any startups. Just use google news search and then search the company, it will list you all news articles those mentioned your company name.
However, its quite blurred to whether go for paid article or not. With most media houses publishing paid articles, we were in fact approached many times by top media houses but its too expensive. If a startup is well funded or good revenue then I would prefer to get published in some prominent news media.