This post will tell you how the environment and your immediate surroundings have great impact on your growth and well being. Many times, we think that we are independent and we are not bothered about happenings in our surroundings. But this is not true, we are nurtured by our environment, friends, neighbors and surroundings. My office at Diamond district, Bangalore is almost 500 mts from the place where I park my car. I have to walk through a busy surrounding of offices, footpath vendors to my office.

Recently BBMP or some local people, not sure has planted some saplings in the footpath. This is indeed a noble work. The green cover of Bangalore is depleting in a alarming rate and such initiatives in large scale would definitely help in bringing back lost glory of beautiful weather of Bangalore. I everyday cross two cassia sapling on my way. One of the cassia sapling was planted opposite to a wine shop- top left side plant and another cassia sapling was planted opposite to a tea stall where people from nearby offices come, spent time smoking, gossiping. In the beginning two plants were growing properly, and we quite healthy – for first 2 weeks. The plant opposite to tea stall is always poured with water, no litigation, grows properly. As you can see the plant opposite to wine shop, neither there are water and people also took out the remaining leafs. Some other day, some one has broken its branch. So the point is our growth and wellness is heavily influenced by our surroundings. Most people come to wine shop – an open bar are mostly daily workers, rickshaw pullers and I can see some time there are altercations, some people even out of sense lying in the footpath. They might have broke the plant, plucked leafs. Where as, the other tea stall has people from nearby offices, blue collar/ white collar executives. They understand the importance of a tree at current situation, that helps to pour some water and the plat grows. Similarly, One need to be with good people. That not only increases the effectiveness of your collaboration with your surroundings but your growth too. Collaboration is always two sided and equally participated by both. If you cannot take care of a poor plant why should you expect anything in return be it oxygen or shed from sun.